Australia has raised the age limit for the Work and Holiday (462) visa to 35 up from the previous limit of 30. Now Portuguese up to the age of 35 can apply. the Work and Holiday Visa allows visa holders to work and travel in Australia for up to two years. The work and holiday visa is an ideal program for young Portuguese passport holders hoping to experience and enjoy the Australian way of life and make some money along the way.

Changes to the Work & Holiday Visa
As of 1 July 2017, Australia’s Department of Immigration and Boarder Protection (DIBP) will increase the age limit for the Work & Holiday visa (462) from 30 to 35. In the past, the 462 visa was only open to 18-30 year old applicants. The new age limit now opens up the program to a whole new pool of future Portuguese applicants.
DIBP have not clarified whether the increased age limit to 35 will apply to all nationalities in the 462 program. Please keep up to date with our blog page for any updates as they come in.
The increase in the age limit is welcome news to many potential 462 applicants, opening up this wonderful opportunity to a whole new group of people.
However, it must be pointed out that the cap of 200 Portuguese 462 applicants remains unchanged. This change will inevitably increase the competition for available spots. If you want any further information or require any assistance with your Work & Holiday Visa application Contact Ausvisto today to start your Australian journey.